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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Art of Listening

"The first duty of love is to listen"

I encourage you to sit quiet for a moment and tune into your surroundings, this is a simple and easy listening exercise.

What do you hear? Perhaps the sound of a car passing by, a bird chirping outside your window, your tummy rumbling, a voice in the distance, your pug snoring....

Let's take this a step further....

I encourage you to have a conversation with a friend and let them do most of the talking. Instead of thinking of a good reply or what you will say next, try to focus on the words they are sharing with you.

What do you hear? Perhaps excitement in their voice, sadness in their heart, a funny story, a new idea they have, or maybe just random stories in no particular order but they are special because they are being shared with you.....

Are you still with me? Let's stretch this out just a little bit further.......

I encourage you to close your eyes and listen to your inner voice. This is the voice of your own truth and wisdom, the intuitive channel within that guides you.

What do you hear? Perhaps inspiring words to help you write a blog, clarity towards a decision you have been uncertain about, stillness amidst the chaos, a new melody to a song you will create, a new idea, colors for a beautiful painting, guidance on a problem or question you may have, confidence to finish a task that seems impossible, words of wisdom from those who have walked this journey before you......

All three of these listening exercises are important, here is their focus:
  1. The first exercise allows you to be aware of the present moment.
  2. The second exercise is being of service.
  3. The third exercise is where you discover you.

Listening is essential on the path to self awareness! It is in listening that all of the great mysteries are heard.

Thanks to Shiloh Sophia McCloud for her beautiful painting in this post, to see her paintings click here!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pain Is The Greatest Teacher

Sometimes the moment can be uncomfortable....

Those moments when your heart is aching, or something pressing is on your mind and your body begins to react with all of those unpleasant physical symptoms. Or maybe anxiety has grabbed you and it feels like you are stuck and falling down the hole of endless ache.

The good news? No moment is ever the same, every time you blink you create a new experience. With the unease and ache, comes a tremendous opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Within every life experience lies a lesson, which can only be discovered by living it. Isn't that what you came here for?

I am not sure why abuse is experienced in relationships, why some lose their partners at an early age, why some experience heartbreaks multiple times, why some kids make fun of others, and why sometimes life just seems confusing and unfair....

What I do know is that I have experienced the uncomfortable feelings of the above and it is why I am able to write this message to you. Going through those experiences have formed me into all that I am today. I am grateful for the uncomfortable not-so-fun moments, because without them.....I am not sure if I would have ever met myself.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

In The Stillness

"Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself."
- Hermann Hesse

Over the last few weeks I have been getting lost in the busyness of life...

Today was different, I felt something within inviting me to slow down.....good ole' stillness paying me a visit. I don't travel to this space as often as I would like, but when I am here....well that's just it...I am HERE.

I think these are my favorite moments on this journey, where I can sit in the stillness and breathe in what is....not really trying to "do" or "change" anything.....just letting it all be. Soaking in the beauty that commits to surround me in every moment, even if I am going too fast to notice.

In these moments I am free to be me, to be the expression of love and wholeness from which I came from. Expanding my heart and fully expressing my passion, I become eager to visit this place more often.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Moment

Sometimes I pretend to be a poet and I create little poems like this one:

The Moment

I look around the world and I smile,
gratitude fills me and I chose to stay for awhile.

I trust what is and accept what isn't,
understanding it heart smiles.

Feeling like I could burst with joy,
and knowing that this is what it's all about.

Noticing you, noticing me....noticing one,
my senses heightened and my awareness in tune.

The taste of something familiar and super sweet,
it lingers in my heart and I feel quite complete.

Stillness overcomes me and time fades away,
its the ultimate feeling I experience today.