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Friday, November 6, 2009

Rooted In Gratitude

Good Evening Beautiful Spirits!!

Tonight I choose to be Rooted In Gratitude,the flow is unbelievable!! I am blessed with an abundance of love,guidance, and support all around me. I have struggled over the past two weeks with fears, but when I stop and meditate on my surroundings...I am reconnected with my root of gratitude.

A special thank you and warm embrace to all of you who have loved me unconditionally through this journey. I have received many emails,text, and calls from people cheering me a long the touches my heart and soul and truly leaves me in an intense state of gratitude.

I encourage you all to root yourself deeply in gratitude and affirm it in your life everyday! When we flow and practice gratitude and service, the roots get stronger and stronger. There is no discomfort or dis-ease in gratitude, there is only love,life, and pure bliss.

I extend my gratitude to all of you for being a light force and channel for the Divine!

So Much Love To You All,



  1. Erin,

    Thank you! I decided to go and check your blog out too! I appreciate so much your thoughts on graditude! I,too, will continue to follow you!


  2. Make sure you keep updating your blog, it's a habit and if you let it go, you'll be sitting in a november 2009 timewarp forever!
